We're slammed again this week but I wanted to get some of this stuff up for you to see.
Which means I'll keep the narration to a minimum.
....And the crowd goes wild.
It was an amazingly fun couple of days and we are so glad we got to be a part of it.
We walked from downtown Eugene so we could get a feel for the town and get a little exercise before our hinies hit the bleachers.
The famous Hayward Field was already teaming with athletes warming up for their respective events.
The skies weren't looking much better than last week.
But the rain held off and the weather was not bad at all really.

The boys checked out all the areas of the track and went into psych up mode.

Our girls' team also had a 4x100 relay to prepare for.
The girls were up first and ran an amazing race.
They surpassed their personal record by over a second and just barely missed qualifying for the final heat by .09 seconds
The boys were up next.
Dylan set his tape marks for leg three of the relay.
It's pretty cool to have your name, lane assignments, times and sometimes even your face on the huge screen.
They ran really well.
Their best so far this year.
They beat their personal record by over half a second.
This is the part where you hand off and yell really loud to scare the bajeeezus out of your teammate to try to make him run a little bit faster.
The boys qualified for the final heat and were really happy with their time.
So check out those spiffy socks they have on.
I had to ask what was up with the crazy socks.
I was told they went to the mall the night before and all bought these matching socks for good luck.
And since they all had good fortunes in their fortune cookies at dinner they stuck those in their spiffy socks for the race.
I guess that works too.
This girl runs and lives with such heart. I just love to watch her.
There was so much to see and be impressed by.
It was a good day indeed.
All of our athletes earned the right to smile and be proud of their efforts.
The boys had day two to look forward to.
More to come....
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