On January 22 Collin completed his courses at UTI in Sacramento in automotive, diesel and industrial repair.
The guy did us proud.
For the past year and half he has given it his all.

Classes started at 6:00 a.m. and went til 1:00 every weekday
After that he went to work from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m and all day on Saturdays.
No summer breaks.
This is an accelerated program.
They get 5 days at Christmas, two days at Thanksgiving and legal holidays off.
That's it.
They try to simulate what working life will be like for the students.
This is an accelerated program.
They get 5 days at Christmas, two days at Thanksgiving and legal holidays off.
That's it.
They try to simulate what working life will be like for the students.
He did manage to squeeze in a little off roading time on Sundays with his buddy Doug and a few other accomplices.
And it led to this day of celebration and honors.
Collin had a lot of standing up to do.
Stand if you have a 4.0
Stand if you have near perfect attendance ...he missed perfect by 3 minutes one day when traffic got the better of him.... they take the attendance thing seriously.
Stand if you are in the top 4% of all UTI graduates who are accepted to the MSAT (Manufacturer Specific Advanced Training) program at the maufacturer's expense.
And then there was this....
And it led to this day of celebration and honors.
Collin had a lot of standing up to do.
Stand if you have a 4.0
Stand if you have near perfect attendance ...he missed perfect by 3 minutes one day when traffic got the better of him.... they take the attendance thing seriously.
Stand if you are in the top 4% of all UTI graduates who are accepted to the MSAT (Manufacturer Specific Advanced Training) program at the maufacturer's expense.
And then there was this....
We all had to listen to the reading of the long list of honors that he earned for himself during his time there.
There were 68 graduates on this day. Here's a portion of the written version from the program:
Doug, listed just above Collin,is his friend shown above. He did well too and is also one of the MSAT qualified students,
* = nearly perfect attendance
ABK= Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society - nomination are based on a combo of GPA, attendance and professionalism.
The middle column is a list of course #s for which the student was named Student of the Course
The far right column is a list of course #s for which the student was named to the Directors List - earned by scoring above 90% for three consecutive courses.
He rocked the program and made us very proud. He says it can be whatever you make of it.
Wise words.
We're happy he gets a month off at home now before he starts his advanced training for International Trucks.
Then he will be off on new adventures yet to be determined.
Part of the deal is that the company pays for his advanced training.... since he was one of the top students...and in return he works at least one year for one of their dealers.
Likely he will end up somewhere in the west but there are no guarantees.
He seems ready for whatever comes and we're just happy to have him under our roof eating us out of chips and salsa again... if only for a little while.
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