Collin came up with that Gradumawation thing and it stuck.
I have been a blog slacker.
Sadly,that is mostly due to the poor quality of the photos in this batch. I apologize in advance for excessive noise in some of them. I really need to get over my flashaphobia. It would save me tons of quality time with Photoshop Elements.
So these are a week and a half old.
The good news is I have the full set ready for the family members to whom they were promised and they will soon be headed to a postal truck near you.
Adorable Ali... soon to be a high jumpin' Cyclone at Iowa State studying Nutrition.

Handsome Joel ... soon to be attending Marian College in Indianpolis as a student of Motorsports Management.

Miss Lizzie. Is she just the sweetest thing?

Grandma Tedrow and Grandma Meziere enjoying the class reception in the hall after Mass.

Do these look like happy faces or what? Remember that feeling?

The jump rope princesses... Connie and Gina.

I'm still not sure what the rules were to the wacky game of basketball that Mike had going.... or if there even were any.


I think...

It's pretty safe...

to say...

a good time was had by all.

We were all blessed by the nice weather, and wonderful company.

Oh check these out.

Sheila actually made the little tassles out of fruit rolls. Which I'm pretty sure qualifies them as health food.
And ya they were as good as they look.

Tim's awesome big brothers have been helping him get his new race car ready to run. Kyle says he has to run it pink at least once before they break out the paint.

Thanks guys for sharing the fun.
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