Anyone who knows him would say that a weekend on the lake is the perfect way for him to celebrate.
Especially a weekend with his son and a couple of grandsons.
It never ceases to amaze me how serious this fishing stuff is.
The evening we arrived the four of them poured over the contents of several tackle boxes.

I get a pretty good laugh out of the names of these things.
I mean grown men can say these crazy lure names with a straight face.
They crack me up.

Sean, our oldest son, is especially good at the straight face thing.

It was very cool that Sean made time to join us for this weekend. Even though he lives next door to us...and works for us...we don't often get a chance to just hang out.
I know he knew Gramps would like it.
He's cool that way.
And if ever there was a guy who liked "messing about in boats", Sean would be said messer.
He has been a boater most of his life. He was about 5 when we bought our first sailboat.
In truth he was way more useful as a deck hand than I was.
Heck, he could tie a bowline.
I gotta pick on Sean just a bit here.
You know that straight face thing?

That is classic Sean.
That was the first face he ever made.
I swear.
Ok, well, after the whole crying thing.
We didn't get a big baby smile til he was seven months old.
He studied everything in great detail.
I could show you pictures throughout his life with that face.
Back in the day my sister and I used to instant message each other for therapy.
His name was interchangeable with this smiley

And I know she's falling off her chair about now cause this is totally true.
I mean check this out

See the resemblance?
And he can crack a joke and still have that face.
Gotta love that.
Early Saturday morning I went down to the lake.
While I was waiting for the guys to gather their fisherly belongings I saw this:

How many shades of green can you count?
It's so amazing what you find when you get up early.
The guys, of course, were all business cause fishing is serious stuff.

The light on our favorite lake is just gorgeous in the morning

Plan A was to windsurf this weekend.
I love all the colors and shapes that the sail and kites make on the water.
But that is one big sail and the guy was giving us all a backache just watching him.

Although the guys remained optimistic, the wind never materialized. It was a great day for beginners.
And see all those kites parked on the shore...that does not bode well. If the wind is too light for those kites it sure won't get a sail and board movin out.
Since weather is... well, weather,...and these guys are not into sitting around and relaxing... we always bring Plan B equipment in case of no wind. Sometimes that includes surf boards and enough bikes for everyone to bike at least part of the coast trail.
This weekend it was fishing gear and...since you can never bring too many boats...the Sabot.

I love that look.
There's something about that look right there that gets me everytime.
The morning bite had never materialized.
All they got was hungry.
Like I said these guys can not just sit around so we went for another shot at fishing/cruising the lake in the afternoon.

The skies were pretty cool.

Still no fish.
Dylan muttered something about hoping they were going to stock the lake before the 4th of July weekend.
The wind forecast for the upcoming weekend is good.
We may take another run at it.
Probably just a one day trip since we will be there a good part of the following week for our traditional 4th of July campout.
Wishing you all a fabulous week.
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