Liberty apples already?

The first of them were falling off the tree so the guys got some of them picked last weekend.

And since some of these needed to be used fairly soon they had other motives

Motives like Apple Bread, and Apple Pie, and Apple Pancakes, and Apple Oatmeal....
I made two Apple pies and two loaves of Apple coming soon...all but a small piece of Apple Bread have vanished. By tomorrow morning that will be gone too.
We haven't had much luck in the past with Winter gardens.
Partly because we fade out in August and soccer overtakes us.
Hey! Ya gotta have priorities!
...And partly because we never realized that you need to be planting in July here to get enough of a jump on it.
So we are testing the waters this year.
Don't get me has still overtaken's just that starting in July gives us a jump on it and not real need to do too much extra.
Some of this stuff will get transplanted into the greenhouse as the peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes come out.
Here is a peek at some of what we are hoping for over the Fall and Winter.
Magenta Sunset Swiss Chard Isn't it purty? By now you have probably noticed a pattern of my repeatedly and unabashedly growing crops for visual coolness....add this one to the list.

I'm not sure if this is my cabbage or caulifower. I've planted several varities of both and they are all doing well...helped along by the recent rains followed by warm weather.

Cauliflower varities include Amazing, Cheddar, Needles, & Lundy
The idea is to plant varieties with different numbers of days to maturity so that there will be a constant supply of something ready.
There's also this Tenderheart Chinesecabbage that seems to be very happy so I better start thinking up things to do with tacos are a good likelihood....that's what most of our cabbages end up as.

This will hopefully be Rubine Brussels Sprouts.

I say hopefully because these brussels sprouts:

I am a brussels sprouts skeptic.
But they are reasonably visually a large sci-fi they get to stay.
Some Broccoli...

Territorial Seed's Autumn Harvest beet blend

And now from the sad zuchini tales.
Have you ever seen such pathetic zuchini??

I mean really... after a whole summer this is IT
My mom...who lives in San Diego county so it's not just the weather here... and I even had a competition to see whose were sadder and less productive...
I think I won.... or would that be lost? Hmmm Well mine were sadder anyhow.

I lost track of what this is....but it did ok in the visual coolness department.

And because I can...
Here's one from last week...I haven't gotten thru this week's stuff yet.

Go Bruins! The guys are currently tied for 1st place.
Monday will be a Far West League Socca Showdown.
With the top two teams facing off.
Time for a road trip.
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