My Mom gave us all a scare this past week. They were headed to my nephew Kevin's graduation at Franciscan University (Yay Kev! We are SO proud of you!) when life took a sharp left turn.
She passed out on the plane three times and a doctor onboard recommended that the plane make an unplanned stop in Memphis to get her to a hospital ASAP.
Well... long story short she is now back home as of last night with a new piece of hardware... a pacemaker to keep things running smoothly.
I got to help with portraits for Prom .. that was fun.
Collin was home for 2 days. It was way too short but we treasure what we can get.
Marc and Kevin Shepherd came to visit.
I got some beautiful flowers for Mother's Day and Rich spoiled me rotten all day doing stuff that I haven't been able to get to.
Tomorrow we head north with Dylan for the league finals track meet for two days and then back for the basketball banquet. So I should have lots of pics next week.
I wasn't even going to post this week.
But then today I got an everyday gift.
I have this thumbdrive that I put all the files for my electronic cutting plotter on. I carry it around a lot and sometimes I throw other stuff on there so I don't loose it.
I stuck it in to move some new files over and cleanup my computer desktop and up pops Photoshop showing me images from it.
They aren't all fixed up some of them are speckly from bad scans but they make me smile every time they pop up.
Flashbacks. I love this. When Dylan was in 8th grade they put together a DVD of the whole class growing up. I had stuck these on that jump drive for the project.
Wanna watch a kid grow up before your eyes?
10 Months

3.5 Years

8 years

13 years

13.5 years

14 years

Sniff, sniff... pass the kleenex :).
Makes me love him even more...he is still the same fish catchin, surfin, soccer playing guy...just much bigger!! Thanks for sharing!!