I planted all my pole beans and bush beans.
If you ever grow any type of legume you gotta try legume innoculant. I read about it when I first started gardening, way back when the boys were toddlers. My first favorite gardening book was The Square Foot Garden by Mel Bartholomew. It's perfect for urban gardeners just getting started. I'll have to post a picture of it one day. It's been well loved, and left out in the garden on occaision.
Anyhow... legume innoculant fixes the nitrogen and makes it available to the plant. So that first year, back in Oceanside, I did a little science experiment. I planted half of my peas with innoculant and half without. The half with the innoculant had almost twice the germination and grew much taller healthier plants. I always use it with any legumes now. I like to moisten my bean or pea seeds and then sprinkle the powder so that it sticks. It looks like this:

While Dylan and I were at the track meet on Saturday Rich got the greenhouse all replanted...except for two peppers that have to wait for the crazy broccoli and cauliflower to finish up. This first row will be peppers... habanero, jalapeno, bell, and an interesting paprika pepper that was given to us by a friend.

The middle row (the closest one here) will be cucumbers...3 varities so that they are ready at different times. Til they come up they are sharing their bed with the homeless pepper plants.
The farthest bed is the tomato patch... a cherry, a couple of Stupice, a couple yellow pear... not sure what all he put in there.... usually some Romas.

We have high hopes for these blueberries this year. They have tons of blossoms. We aren't big on sharing with the local birds so we have to put some netting over them. Rich and Dylan rebuilt that on Sunday so that we can stand up straight inside of the enclosure and the plants have room for future growth. Last year it was only as tall as the plants and we had to crawl under to pick berries...painful but totally worth it :).

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