District Finals for the track team at Siuslaw High School in Florence, OR.
It all comes down to this meet. It's the one that matters.
Many Oregon coast track meets include horizontal rain. This one, thankfully, did not. The weather was beautiful and we even had to bust out the sunscreen.
Brookings Harbor High School was in charge of the Long Jump event so lots of us would be spectators got roped into "official" positions. The great thing was that there were enough people so that when our kids were in events we could trade off. It also got us onto the infield where the action is.
Dylan and his good friend Derek helped out.

Rich helped with the measuring... good job for a surveyor don't ya think?

I got the Vanna White gig posting the board.

I know this photo is terrible... the focus is all wrong... this is for Cheryl, our cybercoach. This jump is at 5'6". Whadaya think? Shheesh he has all the room in the world there. That must have been at least a 5'10". It's making him nuts not to get the marks he knows he can hit.

We camped overnight a Jessie M Honeyman State Park. We got to have Derek stay with us there. It was great fun. There was a big event that weekend in Florence and every Harley on the west coast must have been there. The boys thought it was great.
Dylan and Derek went in search of big fish... any fish at all really. After a day at the track they really weren't in the mood for a long walk.
But waaay over there is where the water was calm. No luck but it was a really nice evening to walk along the lake.

Day 2. Back at the track for finals of the 4x100, 200m, & 4x400.
Dylan marks his spot for the 4x100 relay

With one team member well taped and running on a sprained ankle, another team member running on borrowed spikes due to a family emergency these guys had a strong 2nd place finish. Lost to the 1st place team by .02 ...so close!

Doin the psych up for the 4x400 relay.

In the end Dylan qualified for state in three events; both relays and the high jump.
And although he is proud to represent BHHS in the high jump that placement is bittersweet. He knows that his good friend Geoff Gowman earned that spot and due to a family emergency could not get to the track in time. Geoff has had many stellar performances this year in the high jump but because of the way the system is set up Dylan could not pass on his qualification to Geoff. So he has been working hard this week to make everyone proud.
Dylan also made the final heat of the 200m. The only non senior to do so. He set a personal record in a smokin fast heat and earned a 6th place finish. The winner set a new track record.
As soon as the ribbon were given out for the last relay we hit the road and boogied back to Brookings.
The banquet for the state championship basketball team was scheduled for 8p.m.
We got home at 7:15, did a quick change, jumped in another car and headed to the banquet.
It was a really nice evening. After a season like these guys had, no one wanted to see it end. It went well into the night and was worth every second.
Coach Young did the honors for the JV team.

The bling. These things are huge! An amazing end to an amazing season as once again the community turned out in support of the team.

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