Their actual anniversary is later this month but in an attempt to have as many granchildren in attendance as possible they chose to celebrate while some of the college kids were on break and in town.
It was a great time and as usual the trip passed all too quickly.
The guys got in some surf time and I got a little sun.
I brought along the camera and managed to remember to shoot a bit in between trying to talk to as many people as possible.
I can't pass up an opportunity to dote on several of my adorable neices and nephews all in one post.
For those who couldn't make it and haven't seen some of these kids in a while, I'll try to make family links for ya.
Connie (Mike & Sheila's) has become quite the pianist. She played a few songs and they were really wonderful.

Therese (Cheryl & Dave's), humoring Aunt Cathy

Donald (Mike & Sheila's). I don't think I ever seen him quite this clean before.

Paul (Cheryl & Dave's) & Tim (Mike & Sheila's) - "Hey Paul, Check it out this is my 58th one!"

Those shrimp were awesome by the way. I had 62 of them myself.
Brittany, Kyle (Mike & Sheila's), Donald, & Sean (our's)

Aunt Geri - One of my photographic partners in crime.

Everyone was really glad that Oma was feeling good and was able to make Mass and the party for a bit.

My seeester, Cheryl, I didn't get nearly enough time with her this time...sigh.

My beautimous neice Alison (Cheryl & Dave's)

A gaggle of boy telling what might happen in a situation like this.
Left to Right -
Luke (Cheryl & Dave's), Zach (Dave & Jennifer's), Chandler (Dave & Jennifer's), Tim ..hiding(Mike & Sheila's), Paul ( Cheryl & Dave's),... in the back Joel (Mike & Sheila's), Dylan (Ours), Sean (Ours), & Kevin (Mike& Sheila's)

These two knew just how to strike a pose for the camera. Anne (Cheryl & Dave's) & Mary (Mike & Sheila's)

I give huge amounts of credit to my brothers for pulling the vast majority of this shindig together.
About 20 years ago I would never in a million years have believed it could happen.
Wonders never cease.
Hehe sorry guys but that's the truth!
But holey moly they pulled this one off in spades.
Mike found Omar the caterer.
Let me tell ya. I have never in my life had food like this at an event.
We were all still talking about how good it was in the truck on the way back.
It was that good.
Grilled veggies, swordfish skewers, wonderful potatoes, ravioli, a really good caesar salad...and I'm super picky about caesar salads... all the appetizers were amazing.

Abigail (Mike & Sheila's) was our very own Vanna White for the evening.

The guys came up with a sort of Jeopardy like game that called upon the guests to guess that memory.
My much younger brother (13 mos... he introduced me to a friend that way), Mike, always has more fun that anyone.
He and I had a hard time locating one of Mom's paintings for one of the questions but we finally came up with one.

Hopefully you can read the board here and get the idea of the game.

My brother, Dave, played a big part in putting this all together as well.

My Mom & Dad. The guests of honor.
They were so gracious and genuinely thankful to everyone who could be there.

Cheryl and I did have to give Dad the "Sup with that??" speech though when we both met people who had no idea that there even were any girls in the Meziere family. We're thinkin' life size cardboard cutouts of us by the entrance to Meziere Enterprises might do the trick.
My youngest brother, Don, and his friends provided the musical entertainment for the evening.

My sister-in-law, Sheila and Anne and Mary get thier groove on.

How cute are these girlies??

I wish I could have gotten time to talk with everyone there.
It was a room full of love.
Love of family.
Love of God from whom all blessings come.
Love of Friends.
The very best gifts of all.

Thanks for the memories guys,
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